Sunday, December 18, 2011


It occurs to me,  that some of my readers , the regular ones, of more than one of my Blogs, and I know there are more than a few, may say "A Man For All Seasons"- your "Favourite"Film?? But what about "The Passion of the Christ? " Good question, and, because I don't want to give scandal to anyone, I have anticipated it. 

My answer is this: I don't think of "The Passion"as a movie , I really don't. I know it is a movie. But for me it is a religious experience . It so faithfully, and plausibly when it is dealing with what Scripture does not tell us, recounts the story of Christ's sacred Passion that it is not in any way just a movie. It takes me directly into a religious experience with"full and active participation"of the type intended in the Liturgy. Mind and heart and spirit are fully engaged - I am not just watching. I am not being entertained.

For me , and for very many I'll bet, it is not "a movie"!

We all owe poor wretched Mel Gibson not only a huge vote of thanks, but also our heaviest prayers for his deliverance from the moral shambles his life has descended into. Satan has cruelly attacked poor old Mel where he is weakest. Instead of tut tutting we need to pray for the poor man and those he has hurt and scandalised - particularly his wife and family! We all have our weak points and need to be on our guard.

While we are at it ,we should say a prayer for the actor JimCaviezell who played the part of Our Lord. Many people of anti-Christ religious and moral persuasions in Hollywood, have not made the way easy for this fine actor and  committed Catholic who did so much to bring the work to completion so beautifully.

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