Thursday, December 1, 2016


and    ME

What a cheeky title!  Well, it seems there is need for some explanation of where I stand vis a vis the President-Elect of the United States of America. I say that, because when in company I said that I don't like him, someone took exception to that statement saying that I obviously DO like him because I post things that show him in a favourable light. 

So, let's get it straight  I don't like him as a man. Never have. As a U.K. snob would have put it a couple of decades ago : "He is NPLU" (Not People like us.) He seems crass, coarse and vulgar and always has. So much for all that.

Did I want him to win the Presidential race? ABSOLUTELY.

Seeing that he won in a Landslide am I glad? ABSOLUTELY.


For reasons both Negative and Positive:

Negative Reasons - He is NOT Hillary Clinton arch liar, corrupt cabinet Minister, criminal destroyer of subpoenaed documents,vigorous proponent of abortion, enemy of religious freedom,villain of Benghazi etc.

Positive Reasons - I believe he is an authentic American Patriot, I  believe he really does want to see "America Great Again", I believe he has the business acumen and experience to make that happen, I believe he has the personality to crush the decades of Left liberal moral and intellectual corruption that swirls around the present U.S. Government. I believe he genuinely wants to re-invigorate the rust-belt cities , to restore/replace aged infrastructure, and make America once again the exemplar of efficiency and modernity that it was before and during and after WW II. I believe he will ensure that the Supreme Court is progressively equipped with Justices who will stop inventing Laws and pay literal regard to the Laws passed by the Congress and to the Constitution.I believe he is a friend to the culture of Life and to the religious freedom the Constitution promises. I  believe he will re-balance America's relations with its Allies and its opponents. This may cause discomfort to some Allies but for too long they have been content to live under the American Umbrella without doing or paying their share. I believe he will deflate the phoney Climate Change/ Global Warming scam which any historian can easily show to BE a scam. I believe he will make a strong start on decreasing the appalling mountain of debt run up especially during the Obama Administration. I believe he will ensure that the United States Armed Forces are made stronger  and more financially responsible.

All of that is a tall order for one man you might say. 

But the key is that it will be possible because of the people he will gather around him and place in the Administration, and the people he will get rid of.No more Left liberal  Marxist inspired politically correct hacks. Will there be mistakes - bound to be , but those mistakes can't be as bad as the bumbling Administration now busily shredding the records of it incompetence.And in few areas has it failed so abysmally as in the area of Foreign Relations.

So I don't like the man, but I do LOVE the things he wants done, and the Country he wants to make great again. That is how I first knew her. Resurrected from the Great Depression the United States still held her head high, believed in herself-Constitution,Flag,people and above all God. She was magnificent in  war production- saving England and Russia, and Australia among others, with unbelievable flows of arms, ammunition, vehicles Aircraft, Ships, Food, Medicines and her servicemen.419,400 Of them died in the process of helping to secure that victory.

And, do you know what? While I still don't like most of the things about him, I have come to like the family life he appears to have and his open hearted way with his children. I also watched him this morning at the Carrier Air-Conditioning Plant in Indianapolis, Indiana announcing the saving of 1,100 jobs and a minimum USD 16,000,000 Plant expansion which resulted from his intervention at the highest level of the Company. He was warm, direct  and very frank saying that it was really due to hearing one of the Company's young employees express on TV News that he believed the previously announced plant closure and move to Mexico, would not happen"because Mr Trump would not let it happen". He did not believe he had made that promise , but he was NOT going to let the young man down! So he picked up the phone and rang the boss. The rest is now Indianapolis history.He has promised that there will be a lot of "phone calls" by himself and others as the new Administration and the Country get to work. 

If you are looking for Mr Trump, I would not start on the Golf Course, like that other fellow.

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