Wednesday, April 29, 2020




Or so it seemed when an Irish Journalist named Fintan O’Toole penned, a few days ago, a bitter rant against President Trump and the present status of the United States,

It seems that in Mr O’Toole’s mind the whole world is  “pitying” the United States. And in this fever, he sees no one preferring Detroit or Dallas to Dusseldorf or Dublin!

Basically, his argument is that he hates President Trump. And so, President Trump is “malignant, narcissistic” and has “amplified Corona Virus lethality” (!) and in a “shameful episode” has “actively spread” the deadly virus. And so he froths on.

But all becomes clear when Mr O’Toole tells us that in 2017 the “conventional wisdom” was that a President Trump would be controlled by the wiser heads of the Establishment. And he tells us that President Trump is supported by “very powerful interests” who want “freedom” (!)  and that the President and “his” Party and their Media Allies are at work with hatred and falsehoods.

All of this may go down well in a Dublin Pub late at night. But when set in print it is only good for laughter and the same sort of use Malcolm Turnbull’s book is getting.

Firstly, Mr O’Toole, when he is thinking more clearly, will remember that 4,720,427 0f his Countrymen immigrated to the United States between  1820 and 1975. Since Dublin took the EU Euro money, the numbers have trailed off of course. But perhaps a little research might have helped him to save any reputation he may have, when he reflected that President Trump’s United States is faring far better than Mr O’Toole’s Ireland in fighting the Chinese Communist Party Virus attack. Total USA deaths to date represent 0.18% of the population of the United States, whereas Mr O’Toole’s Ireland has recorded Deaths representing 0.23 % of Ireland’s population of 4.9 Millions. That is to say, Mr Trump’s USA has suffered 177 deaths per million whereas Mr O’Toole’s Ireland has suffered 245 deaths per million. Both are sad statistics recording tragic loss of life. But Mr. O’Toole is in a glass house and should not be hurling stones particularly at those who really merit praise.

But why this vindictive self-deceiving bitterness? Could it be that President Trump is the very antithesis of everything Mr O’Toole and his ilk have brought to Ireland? President Trump defends Life from the moment of conception, he appoints Supreme Court Judges who interpret Statute Law but will NOT invent “law”, he defends Marriage between a man and a woman, he defends the Family, he opposes Abortion, he defends the Christian religion and religious liberty, he defends the rights of the United States against all her enemies, he defends the national borders of the United States, he defends the rights of United States citizens against illegal migrants, he  seeks to stem the flow of illegal migrants and to stem the flow of illicit drugs into the United States, he destroys Trade arrangements which worked to shift American jobs offshore, he has negotiated new Trade Agreements with Japan, Canada, Mexico and made a strong beginning with China. He has made the United States energy independent. Oh yes, quite a list that would, and does get up the nose of Marxist thinking anti-Americans.  And to add insult to injury, Mr Trump has steadily resisted every effort of the old elites with their Deep State obstruction, to undermine him and has continued to drain the swamp of their minions.

Bizarrely, Mr.O’Toole tries to turn the truth on its head and alleges with outrage that President Trump tries to use the daily Press Briefings as a means of creating division. Does Mr O’Toole think we are deaf and blind? Does he think we cannot see and hear the bitter, twisted, disrespectful journo hacks who try to “grandstand” with dishonest questions which attempt to create division themselves. Small wonder the ratings of CNN etc are in such decline. Meanwhile, as soon as the present manufactured Chinese crisis is overcome, we will see once again the tens of thousands of the people gathering again at TRUMP RALLIES, while Mr.Biden, or whoever, will once again be speaking to hundreds in school halls. If Mr.Biden can find the IN door.

Mr O’Toole may wish to feel sorry for someone. He should try looking in the mirror and feel sorry for the sad, dishonest, spectacle he has made of himself.

Who is pitying whom?

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