Wednesday, March 8, 2017



I am more and more inclining to the view that the multiplication of the number of signs in our modern world , and the increasing idiocy of their use, are themselves a "sign"of a society wide psychological breakdown.

Anywhere I sit in a Sydney suburban train there is a list of prohibitions, each within its own red circle with diagonal slash banning eating, drinking, alcohol,feet on seats, loud music, etc. etc. Big Nanny takes NOTHING for granted - certainly not the possibility that you might be a normal well adjusted gentlemanly/ladylike -as the case may be- citizen.

Road signs are far worse and visually aggressive, and repetitive and often contradictory or unclear or silent about what you want to know. "STOP", "GO BACK", "WRONG WAY" assume every driver is suffering dementia. Yet those suffering dementia are not going to comprehend the screaming message in any case. Speed limits go up and down at varying distances apart - but in this instance there is a good reason : the idea is to ensure that you cannot remember the limit and will inevitably be caught by the Police Camera and suffer the loss of "DOUBLE DEMERIT POINTS"as screamed at you in brilliant orange lights on numerous occasions along your way AND pay a hefty Fine to the near bankrupt Government. 

Another over generous source of multi faceted signage is the dreaded School Zone. These are carefully chosen areas near schools where children are rarely seen but nevertheless from 8.30 to 10.00 and 2.30 to 4.00  the driver is obliged to drive at 40 kmph whilst observing a vast array of painted patterns on the road itself , speed signs, time signs. Speed Camera Signs, Caution signs, CHILDREN CROSSING SIGNS ( they never do - Mummy has always driven the little and not so little ones to and fro . And there are so many Mummies on the road that the traffic is reduced to 10 Kmph or to Gridlock.

All of these things did not happen in the '40s and '50s.We actually walked to School or to the Train/Tram/Bus . But parents t0-day are so insecure that they dare not let the littlie walk. Strangely enough the "littlies"are now not so little and there is an immense vested interest of nutritionists( ever seen one who looked healthy?) to tell those Mummies that junior is OBESE - the chart says so! And if the littlie does walk to School , likely as not Mummy will be dobbed in by some officious School Security Staffer to the army of Department of Child Services Fascists for Child neglect!!

You might get to think I believe we are on the wrong track! You might be right!

This is an official RANT - some hyperbole has been used in its production, but no actual littlies, parents, teachers, social workers or sign makers, or erectors have been  hurt in the process. 

That feels better!

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