Sunday, October 23, 2011


Maori performing HAKA
Recent events on the end of season football calendar in the South-West Pacific, have inflicted on us a heap of Hakas. The Western world's American caught PC infection has led to everyone accepting the endurance of this bit of effrontery from New Zealand. We couldn't be seen not to accept something done by native people could we? It doesn't matter that no one else could get away with any other time consuming activity. Or is it tolerated because the "powers that be " in TV's wonderland think it is a colourful image? "Good vision"? 

Some of the bros. lookin' mighty pale 
Whatever New Zealanders do amongst themselves is their business - accepting Maori cloaks and rubbing noses etc. - good luck to them. But I don't reckon they have the right to seek to inflict it on others. Especially when the Haka is so compromised by the inclusion of non-Maori players , whose culture it is totally alien to, joining in the primitive ritual. And it is further compromised by the inclusion of modern vulgar gestures that belong in dirty back alleys rather than in front of crowds including many children.

Of course things are more proper here on the world's biggest island, Australia. But wait....The "Indigenous Allstars"  are to play in Rugby League their Annual Game. An all indigenous team  ...but is this not RACISM? 

Oh! What is that the PC Lords rule... its not racism if black people do it!! So.... if I'm BLACK I can form a team EXCLUDING non- blacks by definition. BUT if I am White I MAY NOT form a team excluding non-white people. THAT IS HOW IT SHOULD BE ...FOR EVERY AUSTRALIAN.

How patronising it is to make an exception for indigenous people! And what a classic bit of hypocrisy produced by our unprincipled Aussie pragmatism. And it makes good TV vision of course,
for these guys are some of our very best Rugby League players, and we all love to watch their talent on display in ordinary team games.

The idea of SPORT seems to be under increasing threat from onfield violence - the shoulder charge, the stiff elbow , the knee to the head etc, or in cricket to cheating by ball tampering etc. In almost every case money and or drugs lie behind the problems I'm sure.And that is compounded by some of the team psyching that goes on in a moronically "professional"way. Scenes from Dressing Rooms give evidence of this idiocy and hype all too often.

Australian Captain and NRL Legend Darren Lockyer
attacked with an elbow to the jaw by a cowardly Kiwi "cousin".

Congratulations to our Kiwi cousins across the "dutch"for their victory against the French - a thrilling game thanks to the French attacking with such style and vigour.24 Years is a long time between World Cup drinks! Well done!

I suppose all these problems have gone too far, and there are too many vested interests, for things to change, but Oh  children, things have been better.. "Shut up Dad!""  Hmmm better indeed!

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